新升級款USB口兩百萬高清數碼望遠鏡 70倍放大可達5km
Smart Digital Telescope (W110)
新版本已經能支持安卓手機(要能支持OTG功能的,光盤自帶的手機APP 的兼容性不是很完善,
建議搭配購買WIFI盒子,這樣就可以直接連蘋果和安卓所有智能手機,敬請注意! )
This is one of the latest Smart Telescopic Monitor System, and it can be widely applied to many fields.
Inherited with Traditional monitor camera’s functions, besides, it has many other advantages. It can monitor
through further distance and easier installation and debugging without circuitry, power, control and storage hosts.
All you need is just a set of computer, anybody can perform this interesting task with great sense of accomplishment.
Cooperated with digital telescope software, you can capture a moving object, videotape it, sound the alarm and
perform an online live show. It adopts highly compressed video files that only occupies very small space,
so you do not have to worry about your limited hard disk space.
主要參數: Main Parameters
像素 : 200W Camera: 2 Megapixel
Pixel : 2 Megapixel
鏡頭 : 70倍 Len : 70 times zooming
視角 :1.25度 Angle of view : 1.25 degree
濾光片 :日用型 Light filter : Daily One
接口 : USB2.0 或以上 Connector: USB 2.0 or upper version.
機器尺寸 :150*40(MM) Machine size: 150*40 MM
USB線 :1.5M USB wire length: 1.5 M
三角支架 : 150MM-250MM Tripod Size: 150 – 250MM Height.
應用系統 : WindowsXp 2000、 VIST 、 Win7 、Win8、 Win10、
Compatible System: WindowsXp 2000、 VIST 、 Win7 、Win8、 Win10、
軟件支持 : 4個攝像頭設備 Software can support 4 camera device at the same time.
軟件語言 : 英語 法語 中文 馬來西亞 日本 韓國 泰國 越南德國 意大利 西班牙 阿拉伯語 葡萄牙語
Software Language supported: English、 French、Chinese、 Malaysian、 Japanese、 Korean、Thai、
Vietnamese、 German、 Italian、 Spanish、 Arabic、 Portuguese.
軟件功能 : 移動偵測.定點監控,拍照,錄像回看,網絡直播
Software functions: movement detection, spot monitor, photographing, videotaping, live webcasting.
觀看各種體育賽事、露天演唱會、家庭防盜、工廠監控 、**偵查辦案、 動物鳥類研究、 天文氣象觀察 、工業生產不良品
Watch sport matches and open-air concerts, Household anti-theft and factory monitor, Police lawsuit detection, Animal
observation, Astronomical observation, detection of defective products of industrial production,etc.
Here are the real compare between the pictures captured by digital camera and digital telescope.
Adjustable Monitoring scope (Red Area):
In the picture bellow, It will trigger photographing, videotaping and sound an alarm when people enter or come out of the doors.